Winter Dream Immersion


Enjoy the benefits of group Dream Work as you learn to harvest the gifts and insights of dreams. This 4-week immersion includes a weekly live call with Julia and your fellow dreamers .

This immersion runs November 23 - December 21, 2024.

”I'm so grateful to have participated in this dream tending immersion. I learned so much that I look forward to continue integrating into my own relationship with my dreams, but I also loved being a part of this community of dreamers. I'm humbled to know that there are such compassionate and bravely vulnerable people in the world, and so thankful to Julia for shepherding us through the dream realm together.”
__ Sedona H.

“I loved the structure and content of this beautiful course. It encouraged me to set aside an hour or two each week to dwell in a calm, dreamy space and absorb the materials. The weekly group calls allowed us to dive deeper into the lessons and quickly became an open, compassionate space full of love and support. The lesson materials were better than I hoped, leaving me with new language and tools to explore the dream world and my experiences within it.”
__ Tori S.



“This course has helped me to expand my self-awareness, and provided a safe container to deepen into that awareness. I finally feel like I am shifting my relationship to my thoughts, feelings and experience so I can safely and whole-heartedly enter the moment.”
__ Sue M. 

This course was so rich and gifted me so much more than I could imagine. Julia helped me understand my dreams as partners and helped me shift an unhelpful mindset that I didn't realize I had. I was able to see my dreams in an entirely different light that has led to great personal insights. Additionally, I am someone who has recently started suffering from frequent nightmares. Before this course, I had been feeling very disturbed and distressed (and even resentful) of this change. However, I was able to start seeing my nightmares, and the characters in them, in a different light has allowed me to experience a greater sense of empowerment and self-compassion. Lastly, it should come to no surprise if you have had the chance to work with Julia before, but it is worth mentioning how safe and secure the dream tending course space is for dream tenders. Though the content of certain dreams felt vulnerable to myself and to others, I witnessed a great holding space and felt myself met with a care that was both tender and empowering. I can't recommend this course highly enough. I feel so grateful and am confident that I will continue to benefit from this experience.”

__ Amanda C.

About this course


We dream more in the winter because, like the rest of nature, we make an inward turn this time of year. We're called to our deeper depths, to our roots and root systems. It’s also a very magical, spiritual time of year and dreams are a beautiful way to tap into these shimmering realms.

At the same time, dreams can intensify around the winter holiday season because ideas of family are in the air. Some of us return home and are sleeping in childhood beds. Or perhaps for any number of reasons, we can’t or choose not to return home and we wrestle with these tensions.

For all of these reasons, this immersion is offered at an ideal time of year to turn toward our dreams. to stay  connected to the deep, and harvest their gifts for the living of our lives.

Hear me say more about this immersion in the video to the right (or below on mobile devices).

Join The Winter Dream Immersion $225

This course is for you if


Join The Winter Dream Immersion $225
  • You want to strengthen and trust your intuition so you can be more inwardly guided.

  • You want to cultivate more inquisitiveness, openness, and wonder in your waking life.

  • You’d like to be held in a community of like-hearted people during the winter holiday season.

  • You want to do Shadow Work in a way that’s approachable and less intimidating than it can sometimes be in other settings.

  • You want to stimulate your creative life. (Some artists receive entire, completed works through their dreams.)

  • You're a psychotherapist and you want to help your clients harvest the gifts of their dreams.

  • You want to end recurring dreams and nightmares by understanding the message they're trying to send you.

  • You're interested in tapping into the Collective Unconscious.

  • You want to enjoy a special community of like-minded people, with whom you can tend and explore the dream world.

How this course works


Join The Winter Dream Immersion $225
  • Each Saturday for four weeks, starting November 23rd, you'll receive a batch of dream lessons, with homework to do and things to think about for the week.

  • We'll then meet as a community on Zoom the following weekend to discuss the lessons and tend some dreams together under my guidance.

  • Our meeting dates and times will be on Saturdays, Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, & 21, from 9-10:30am PT. (Please convert your time zone here.)

  • Each weekly batch of lessons will take you progressively step-by-step through a process that will teach you the symbolic language of dreams, and how to open yourself to the rich guidance hidden in your sleep.

  • All of the lessons are in audio format, encouraging you to set up a quiet, sacred space for deep listening and learning.

What you'll learn from this course


Join The Winter Dream Immersion $225
  • How to materialize the gifts and messages of your dreams for positive change.

  • Historical perspectives on dreams from modern thinkers to indigenous cultures.

  • How to interpret sudden scene changes (an important moment in dreams).

  • How to work with shadow characters that show up in dreams.

  • How to look at your dreams over the long arc of time, including childhood dreams.

  • And so much more.

Questions people often have before enrolling

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